Photography Slow Season | What Do I Do During the Photography Slow Season | Off-Season Projects for Photographers | Surviving the Photography Slow Season

For Photographers

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January 7, 2022

I remember my first slow season of photography! It was both hard and confusing! There was so much that I didn’t understand. I had many thoughts of quitting simply because I didn’t know how to navigate my business during this season. I quickly learned and it made things a lot easier for me going forward.

Slow season for photographers is the time when business has slowed down and there isn’t much work being done because of demand and it’s COLD outside!

But just because you aren’t shooting much doesn’t mean that there aren’t things that need to be done within your business. Slow season is the BEST TIME to get things done! This is the time when you get to work ON your business instead of IN your business. We photographers wear many hats!

Grab a coffee or tea, get cozy and let’s talk about these things that will help you to be successful in your business.

Invest in Professional Development

As a photographer or anyone in general you never want to stop growing. Attend a workshop, styled shoot, or shoot out! Invest in things that will help you to continue to grow. An opportunity like this will help you to get new content that you can use for marketing purposes. Learn new ways of doing things. Build connections with other photographers, and strengthen your ability to keep moving forward in your business.

Blog, Blog, Blog + Write and plan out your content

Blog past sessions that you never got to. Blog new things like tips for working with you, what to wear to a session, your favorite locations to shoot at. There are so many things that you can blog about that will help your business.

Update your website

Update your Website or create a new one! Maybe you don’t have one and realize that it is important that you get one asap! Even if it is just a one-page website that you are starting out with. Every photographer needs to have a website that tells people who you are, what services you provide, and how they can work with you!

Meet new Photographer Friends

Being a creative can get lonely! It’s nice to chat with someone who knows and is experiencing the same things you are in business. You can bounce ideas off each other and just be the fun creatives that you are. Community is important. Meet another photographer for coffee. It’s so cool to get to know the photographers in your area! 

Invest in New Headshot Photos

This is a great time to invest in a branding session and update your headshot photos that you can use on your website, social media platforms, and pretty much anywhere you want! You can hire someone to do them, get creative and do them on your own, or do a photo session swap with another photographer and you can do each other’s headshot photos!!

Address any inefficiencies in your business

Let go of the things that are no longer serving you or your business. Is it hard to walk away? Yes! But walking away means you get to make room for new things! Don’t allow yourself to become stagnant in business.

Improve your client experience

Update your portfolio, host a model call, update your guides and templates that you send to clients.

Take a break sister or bro! 🙂

Take a social media break! (I took a break from social media this year and I scheduled important content to post on its own using planoly. It’s so helpful!) This is a great way to gain clarity in your business. I recommend visiting the getaway cabin in Dallas! It’s amazing!

Do an overview of the previous year and create new goals

Review last year’s goals and create a few new ones. Look at all of the things you were able to accomplish and congratulate yourself!! Create new goals that you would like to accomplish and make a plan for how you will make that happen!

I believe in you! I hope this was helpful!

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