5 Things Most Brides Forget on Their Wedding Day
We love our CS Brides! They are fun, easy-going, and joyful. They value marriage and legacy and we just adore them. We are loving our Wedding Wednesday series and we hope you are too.
Our Brides trust us, and allow us the time needed to be creative and beautifully capture their wedding day. I am so thankful for this, they are AMAZING! They know that their photographer is an “over shooter”, and that just means that I love taking a lot of pictures and don’t want to miss anything.
This is wonderful and of course, takes time and my brides know this. If you’re unsure about the number of hours you’ll need for your wedding photography coverage, read this post, HERE. The option to purchase additional hours if you think you will need more or might go over your time is available too.
You’ll definitely want to avoid making the mistake of trying to fit a full 8-9 hour wedding day in a 6-hour wedding window. We know there are a lot of things happening on a wedding day. There are things that I forgot or missed on our wedding day. In this post, we’ll be sharing our Top 5 Things Brides (might) Forget on Their Wedding Day. We hope this is helpful.
Top 5 Tips For Brides
1. Wedding Bands: The good news is, your wedding day can still go on without the symbolic exchange of rings. You’ll want to remember the rings for details shots and for the ceremonial exchange. Make a plan in advance so you don’t forget them. Something we suggest is putting them in your detail box that you’ll give to your photographer when it’s time for them to photograph your wedding day details.

2. Marriage License: This is just one of the most important things that you and your honey will both sign on your wedding day with the officiant. Tuck it somewhere safe, friend (detail box, maybe).
3. Taking pictures with certain guests or family members: Make a list, and give it to your photographer so they can remind you. It’s our job to help you with that.

4. An extra pair of shoes, and also try sitting in your dress to make sure you’re comfortable sitting in it. A pair of sandals or tennis shoes, depending on your preference and what you need to feel comfortable if you’re wearing heels or a type of shoe that you wouldn’t normally wear for a long period of time.
Some of us brides forget about sitting during things like dinner and speeches and sometimes our dresses can be a little tight fitting. Remember this during your fitting so you can make adjustments if needed.
5. Relax and don’t stress. You’ve hired a team of professionals who 1. Know what they’re doing, and 2. Know they have been hired to serve you and help make sure your day is stress-free. We’re here for you.
Binge Read our Wedding Wednesday Series Here

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